The New C64 Forum

Full Version: C64 Forum Rules of Conduct **Please Read**
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Please read and adhere to the rules of our forum.

By using this forum, you agree to the following:

1) Subjects must relate to Commodore computing, unless otherwise specified by a forum sub-section.

2) All interactions will be of a kind nature and that you promise to keep the discussions friendly and safe for work and all age groups. Profanity and bullying will not be tolerated.

3) You will keep your forum entries free from mass marketing material and messages that could be considered as "spam". Tell us about your new projects, just please don't cut and paste blanket marketing or create multiple threads for the same subject.

4) You agree that any information or advice you gain from this website, which you use and practice, is done so at your own risk. You will not hold the administration, nor any members of this forum, accountable for what may transpire from following the advice and information you've found here.

5) You agree that you will abide by all decisions, regarding the content on this forum and it's use, made by the administration.

6) You acknowledge that the Commodore 8-bit user community is the most awesome group of people on the planet!  Wink

Apart from these rules of conduct, I'd also like to mention that you will not be asked for any donations to keep the forum running. We're doing this because we enjoy interacting and sharing with our fellow Commodore 8-bit enthusiasts and collectors. There are no first, second, or third class contributors here.

So, feel free to share your opinion, ideas and information (keeping with the rules outlined above) and enjoy your time with us here!