
Registration Date: 04-16-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 01-20-2025 at 10:47 PM
Status: Offline

gershman's Forum Info
Joined: 04-16-2024
Last Visit: 01-15-2025, 06:28 PM
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Additional Info About gershman
Location: SoCal
Bio: I'm heavy into #Retro including the #Commodore #C64 and #C128, currently (mostly) via an #Ultimate64 and #VICE, respectively.

Favorite Commodore computer: Commodore 64
How did you find us?: Friend
Gender: Undisclosed

gershman's Most Liked Post
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RE: You suddenly realize how old tou really are 01-11-2025, 12:15 AM 1
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You suddenly realize how old tou really are Everything Else
Open Discussion
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In no particular order:

- When you're in class, say "Bueller? Bueller?", and the students just give you a confused look.

- When you speak but your body makes more noise than your mouth.

- When you go for the fruit and salad instead of the pizza because you know the consequences later.

- When you hear "Let's go out." and drop your head in exhaustion.

- When after seeing all the "new languages" out there and you decide to take Prolog back up.

- When you've been adjunct faculty for so long all of your professors have since retired.

- When you fight to save a few bytes in your code but at the same time your students allocate an array of 100 4-byte integers to store 20 values from 1-10.

- When you say "Screw electric vehicles" wishing you had Street Hawk (

- When your best sleep is locked doors, closed shades, your family close 'n' safe, and your cats are curled up all around you.

- When you skip that great retro computer on eBay because your medication needs to be renewed.

And lastly,

- It's Friday night and instead of partying you're posting on a C64 Forum about old age. Big Grin

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