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DISK (FLOPPY) MANAGER 09-05-2024, 04:52 AM 1
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C64 and C128 Software
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F keys or special functions are explained in the splash screen (first screen) as there are no mention (and room) on the main menu. The whole idea of this application is focused on "manage to revive old disks", not the directory structure, there are many apllications for that and almost unbeatable. The nested routine Header change/Fast format performs an unconditional format to the floppy disk (yes, it can be locked or can be a cleaning disk with no cobalt/magnetic material at all) so that the head passes all the 35 tracks and helps cleaning the unused dirty tracks step by step and very fast...if you can change the header in a bad disk it's a start. The set of standard basic CBM DOS 2.6 operations in the main menu is mainly for testing if the floppy is already healthy and perform already some operation required!
Either you can use the fast format if you plan to reuse a bad floppy and keep trying to clean with a cotton tool/cleaning disk and alchool, or you can clean the drive head with a cleaning disk with alcohool and Fast Format it!!!
You can check the 1541 drive kernal version (F5), List (quickly) the directory (F1), (Down)Load the directory (F3) is a deeper routine than the faster with (L). After loading directory through (L) or (F3), navigation bar is active and so the File operations.
All of these operations are programmed to test a reviving diskette after try to Format with the nested routine Header Change/Fast format (H) or simply Cleaning the disk manually.
Yes it works on a single side 1541 disk, because you must revive one side at a time!
Called it Manager because it also do some organizing tasks to the DISKs (Floppies) from a materialistic point of view, not the directory and disk content itself for there are many other better applications to do that!
Hope you all appreciate it! All the best...

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