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Game Walkthrough: Awakening - Printable Version

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Game Walkthrough: Awakening - sysop - 12-11-2024

Classification: Game / Adventure
Publisher: Independent
Programmer: Georg Rottensteiner
Music/Sound: Spider Jerusalem
Year: 2015
Rating: ★★★★

This game is compatible with the Comet64.

Words in CAPITAL LETTERS are to indicate the commands you give, via the game interface.

  1.   - Walk to receptionist at the desk. GIVE PACKAGE TO RECEPTIONIST. She will give you an ID badge.
  2.   - Walk to elevator badge reader. USE BADGE WITH BADGE READER. Enter elevator.
  3.   - Walk to badge reader. USE BADGE WITH BADGE READER. Exit elevator.
  4.   - Walk to receptionist at the desk. GIVE PACKAGE TO RECEPTIONIST. Enter elevator.
  5.   - Walk to badge reader. USE BADGE WITH BADGE READER.
  6.   - Walk to ladder. USE LADDER. PICK UP METAL ROD.
  7.   - Walk to grating. USE METAL ROD WITH GRATING.
  8.   - Walk to shaft. USE SHAFT.
  9.   - Walk left to ladder. USE LADDER.
  10.   - Walk to second door to the right OPEN DOOR. Enter room.
  11.   - Walk to third desk to the right PICK UP PURPLE KEY CARD. Exit room.
  12.   - Walk right and approach last door at the end of the hall. OPEN DOOR. Enter room.
  13.   - Go up stairs to level U4, then walk right. Approach right-most fuse box. OPEN FUSE BOX. TURN ON FUSE BOX.
  14.   - Exit room and go down stairs to level U5, then walk left. Approach left-most door. OPEN DOOR. Enter Room.
  15.   - Approach phone on desk. EXAMINE PHONE. You will find a red key that will be added to your inventory. Exit room.
  16.   - Walk left down the hallway, two screens, then approach left-hand door. OPEN DOOR. Enter room.
  17.   - Approach locker with red padlock. USE RED KEY WITH PADLOCK. OPEN LOCKER. EXAMINE LOCKER. You will find a USB key that will be added to your inventory.
  18.   - Approach toilet paper roll. PICK UP TOILET PAPER. Exit room.
  19.   - Walk right to next hallway and approach first door on left. OPEN DOOR. Enter room.
  20.   - Approach third PC to the right. USE USB STICK WITH PC. Exit room.
  21.   - Approach card slot next to the metal door to the right. USE PURPLE CARD KEY WITH CARD SLOT. Enter room.
  22.   - Approach PC on desk. USE USB STICK WITH PC. Exit room.
  23.   - Walk right and enter stairwell. Climb stairs to level U3. Walk right.
  24.   - Approach welder. PICK UP WELDER. Exit room.
  25.   - Walk upstairs to level U1. Walk right, through the cafeteria, to room to right. Approach knife on the table. PICK UP KNIFE.
  26.   - Enter open door. Approach waste bin. EXAMINE BIN. You will find paper towels that get added to your inventory. Exit room.
  27.   - Walk left to the stairwell. Go downstairs to level U5. Walk left to the end of the hall and approach ladder. USE LADDER.
  28.   - Walk right to the end of the hall. Approach the fire hose case, on the wall. USE METAL ROD WITH FIRE HOSE CASE. USE KNIFE WITH FIRE HOSE. USE HOSE WITH WELDER.
  29.   - Walk left to the end of the hall. Approach ladder. USE LADDER. Walk right to stairwell.
  30.   - Go upstairs to level U3 and walk left. Approach valve. USE METAL ROD WITH VALVE. Walk left for two screens.
  31.   - Approach robot torso. PULL ROBOT TORSO. You will find a remote control that will be added to your inventory. Walk left.
  32.   - Approach gas tank. PICK UP GAS TANK. USE GAS TANK WITH WELDER.
  34.   - USE REMOTE CONTROL. Walk robot right to stairwell. Go down stairs to level U4. Walk left.
  35.   - Approach right hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Approach left hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Walk left.
  36.   - Enter door number 4. Approach leaking hole. USE WELDER WITH HOLE.
  37.   - Approach radioactive goo. USE PAPER TOWELS WITH RADIOACTIVE GOO. Leave room.
  38.   - Walk right. Approach left hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Approach right hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Walk right.
  39.   - Climb stairs to top level. Approach door to left. USE WELDER WITH DOOR.
  40.   - Climb down stairs to level U2. Walk right. USE REMOTE CONTROL.
  41.   - Walk right to stairwell. Climb down stairs to level U4. Walk left.
  42.   - Approach right hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Approach left hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Walk left.
  43.   - Enter room number 1. Approach tool box. OPEN TOOL BOX. EXAMINE TOOL BOX. You will find a screwdriver that will be added to your inventory. Exit room.
  44.   - Enter room number 3. Approach grating. USE SCREW DRIVER WITH GRATING. EXAMINE GRATING. You will find a post it note that will be added to your inventory. EXAMINE POST IT. Exit room.
  45.   - Walk right. Approach left hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Approach right hand button. PUSH BUTTON. Walk right.
  46.   - Climb down stair to level U5. Walk left and walk left again. Enter room on left hand side (next to door with card slot). Approach left-most computer. TURN ON SCREEN. EXAMINE SCREEN. Exit room.
  47.   - Walk right and enter stairwell. Climb stairs to level U1. Walk right and enter bathroom. Approach toilet. USE TOILET WITH TOILET PAPER. Exit room.
  48.   - Walk left to stairwell. Climb down stairs to level U2. Walk right.
  49.   - Approach first desk on left hand side. PICK UP PIPETTE.
  50.   - Approach puddle on floor. USE PIPETTE WITH PUDDLE.
  51.   - Approach shaker on right-most desk. USE PIPETTE WITH SHAKER. USE WET PAPER WITH SHAKER. Back away from desk.
  52.   - USE REMOTE CONTROL. Approach shaker. USE GOOEY TOWELS WITH SHAKER. Back away from desk.
  53.   - USE REMOTE CONTROL. Approach shaker. TURN ON SHAKER. USE PIPETTE WITH SHAKER. The serum will be added to your inventory.
  54.   - Walk left to stairwell. Climb up stairs to top level. Walk through door to the left.
  55.   - Walk left. Approach glass doors (you might have to approach the doors twice if you haven't visited here once before).

Game Over!


My game ratings are as follows:

★★★★ - Excellent!
★★★☆ - Pretty Good
★★☆☆ - Meh...
★☆☆☆ - I wasn't impressed
☆☆☆☆ - Not much I liked.

Any games that don't play on NTSC systems will not get a rating better than "Meh..."