The C128 and DLOAD vs LOAD,8,1
I've received a few questions relating to my recent posts on my Commodore blog and loading software on the C128.� For a few of the programs I've reviewed there, people ask me why they're getting ?OUT OF MEMORY error when they try to load the software for themselves.

It turns out that, in these situations, they were trying to load using the old BASIC 2.0 command LOAD "*",8,1, rather than BASIC 7's DLOAD"*" command.� Although I don't know the details, there's obviously a difference between these two commands and how the C128 responds to them.� I've just become so accustomed to using the C128 and BASIC 7 that it's just a reflex to me now to use DLOAD when not in C64 mode.� I forget to mention this slight but obviously�important information in my blog posts.� For people who don't typically use the C128, if you're getting the ?OUT OF MEMORY error, try using DLOAD.
Thanks for the tip!

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