Howdy from <illeen Tx.
My real name is Art Perlinger. I am a retired US Army SFC (25+ years). I am originally from Pittsburg PA, decidsed to remain in Killeen near Ft, Hood when I retired in 1982. I am a widower and have 2 grown children and 2 grown grandchildren. I got interested in computers when I was assigned to a comm unit at Ft. Huachuca Az as an IT msking and controlling data foe the DCS Tech Control Program. After I retied a got s C64 and did some programming and Sid music. I was a charter member of Q-Link and stayed with it til AOL killed it. I uploaded approximately 8ids under the screen name that I am using here.
Welcome, Art!  Great to have you aboard here!  Right now, we're a pretty small community on C64forum, but friendly! Big Grin  So, it will be wonderful to have your input on the few things that we discuss here.

Sorry it took me so long to approving your first post.  It's harvest season here where I live, so I'm spending more time than usual away from the computer right now.  We do the first post approval due to spammers in the past.  But, now that you're off and running, your posts will appear right away from now on.

That's fantastic to hear about your past with Q-Link.  I used that service, along with CompuServe.  Those were some trailblazing times and, even though primitive by today's standards, I miss them.  As for your SID compositions, if you'd like to share any of them with us, please feel free to upload them in a forum post!
Welcome, Art!

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