I'm still not sure whether this will turn into a full blown game yet as I'm only really messing around, but here is OutRun PETSCII.  As the name suggests, it's a PETSCII version of OutRun which is entirely ROM character based. No sprites at all and only one IRQ to run the music and main screen print routine. Even the road stripes are done as characters with the colour RAM being manipulated, instead of the usual 'raster' effects.

It has a simple course data system to render a 'track' which can also display some side objects and change the road stripe colours for different environments.

Some fake physics in corners exert 'outward forces' on the car at speed. The border colour change in the video is the collision detection kicking in and noting a collision between the car and track side objects.

Some other GFX so far...

[Image: GK08pAUWgAAsdK0?format=png&name=small]

[Image: GK08pAhXYAA_0jg?format=png&name=small]

[Image: GK08pAkWMAAMxm0?format=png&name=small]

[Image: GK08pAlXoAArZZg?format=png&name=small]
[-] The following 3 users Like aNdy_V's post:
Ha ha! That's pretty sweet!   Thumbs Up
[-] The following 1 user Likes sysop's post:
Nice work Andy. Change the roadstripes from Petscii to raster stripes and you already exceeded the official c64 Outrun.
[-] The following 1 user Likes NM156's post:
A bit more progress!

I've started doing a hill animation on the road and my roadside object display system can now handle 'transparencies' so I have nicer palm style trees as opposed to blocky ones!

[-] The following 2 users Like aNdy_V's post:
It's coming along nicely!
Some of the new roadside objects in OutRun PETSCII.  Trying to include a few objects that were actually in the original arcade game! Hopefully they're easy to identify!

[Image: GMmGF9fWoAAmZBr?format=png&name=small]
[Image: GMmGF9aW4AAK01O?format=png&name=small]
[Image: GMmGF9ZXMAAShkv?format=png&name=small]
[Image: GMmGF9wXwAA6U3L?format=png&name=small]
[-] The following 2 users Like aNdy_V's post:
The Holy Grail (?) of road forks (junctions) are now coded and working in OutRun PETSCII! Only simple and short course data at this point to demonstrate it works with data eventually looping back to start.

Road vehicle display system is now fully working with 6 other vehicles appearing at random in any lane. Collision detection for enemy cars and roadside objects is turned off here for testing purposes.

[-] The following 2 users Like aNdy_V's post:
Very impressive. Better looking as the original version already, though admittedly the bar wasn't very high. You would think that the kid who got like $50,000 for the conversion could have afforded to use an artist for the graphics.
(06-02-2024, 04:55 PM)NM156 Wrote: Very impressive. Better looking as the original version already, though admittedly the bar wasn't very high. You would think that the kid who got like $50,000 for the conversion could have afforded to use an artist for the graphics.

My understanding is that his controlling, overbearing Dad did the graphics, probably to save money?
You may well be right. US Gold is equally at fault for letting this happen. How much would it really have costed them then to get an artist to re do the graphics, like $200?

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